
Let’s Wake up on a Thursday morning

We would love to see pictures or videos of children (and parents) doing this wake up video.




Practice your suffixes using this game.




Watch the following video and answer the following questions.

What do the monkeys do when they can’t find nuts to eat?

How does the elephant move through the jungle?

What does the snake do to his prey?

Challenge: Can you write your own retrieval questions based on this story?


We will be learning about animals this half term. Have a look at what the penguins are doing at Edinburgh zoo. Can you draw a picture of some of the penguins. We would love to see what you have drawn.

Animal Kingdom!

Welcome back, we will be posting activities for you to complete on the blog for this week. After this week we will be using Seesaw and are very excited to be able to interact with you more. We are all missing you and are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Sharing is caring!

Well, it feels very strange but it is actually the final Friday of this half term. We now break up for the Easter holidays for two weeks.
Your daily challenge for today is to share an activity that you have done since you have been at home. There are some amazing ideas around at the moment and we want to see what you have enjoyed most.
What do you think others would enjoy doing?
Can you send in a picture of the activity and some simple instructions or a web link?

We will be sharing these ideas over Easter to keep you all occupied!

Have fun and stay safe.

On this day…

Today’s musical task comes from Mr King – thank you for the great idea, Mr K.

Sing-a-long to a song that was in the top 10 on the day you were born!
Can you try the same for the day of another person in your family?
What about grandparents? The music was very different back then!

For extra bonus points, can you create or copy a dance that goes with the song?

Happy singing and stay safe.

Something slightly different – a time to think….

Today I want you tho have a think and a chat about this question. The answer may seem obvious but is it?!
This is a P4C (Philosophy 4 Children) task. There is no correct answer and you may change your view as you complete the task!

Can kindness change the world?

Have a think about some of these to help you….
Is it good to be kind all the time to everyone?
What do you think would happen if everyone did this? Think about how kindness makes you feel.
Is it more important to be kind to yourself or to others, or is it of equal importance?
Think about the effect of kindness and unkindness on the world.

What do you think? Let us know in the normal place!

Stay safe and ponder hard!